Ing. Jaroslav Pulec

Ing. Jaroslav Pulec QR VCARD
LinePositionDepartmentOffice number
+420 48535 3408EmployeeDepartment of Power Engineering EquipmentC -1037


  1. J. Pulec, P. Dančová, J. Novosád, Optimization of the Circular Experimental Channel for Piv Measurements of Internal Aerodynamic Cases, Fluids, Mdpi, 13 pages, ISSN: 2311-5521, n. 2, [Online], 2023
  2. P. Dančová, J. Čížek, J. Novosád, J. Pulec, V. Barraclough, Ultrazvukový vektorový tomograf, [Online], 2023
  3. J. Novosád, J. Pulec, P. Dančová, T. Vít, CFD analysis of the ultrasonic gas meter channel, EPJ Web of Conferences Volume 264, EDP Sciences, 5 pages, ISSN: 2101-6275, [Online], 2022
  4. J. Pulec, J. Novosád, P. Dančová, T. Vít, Demonstration of non-uniformity of velocity profiles using 2D PIV, MATEC Web of Conferences, 10 pages, ISSN: 2261-236X, 2022
  5. P. Dančová, T. Vít, J. Novosád, J. Pulec, Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2022, [Online], 2022
  6. J. Pulec, V. Vinš, P. Dančová, Experimental investigation of secondary flow in a heated channel using PIV and LIF simultaneously, EPJ Web of Conferences, 5 pages, ISSN: 2101-6275, 2022
  7. J. Pulec, P. Dančová, V. Vinš, Experimental Investigation of the Wake Behind a Cooled Cylinder, EPJ Web of Conferences, 7 pages, ISSN: 2100-014X, 2022
  8. V. Barraclough, M. Strob, J. Pulec, J. Novosád, P. Dančová, J. Čížek, Measurement of Fluid Flow with Different Velocity Profiles by New Built Ultrasonic Flowmeter, MATEC Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences, 10 pages, ISSN: 2261-236X, [Online], 2022
  9. J. Pulec, J. Novosád, P. Dančová, PIV measurement of the flow around an irregularly shaped body, EPJ Web of Conferences, 4 pages, ISSN: 2101-6275, 2022
  10. J. Pulec, P. Mony, V. Vinš, P. Dančová, Preliminary measurements of the thermal field in a rectangular channel by the Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence method, EPJ Web of Conferences, 4 pages, ISSN: 2101-6275, 2022
  11. J. Pulec, P. Dančová, V. Vinš, Survey of Experimental Channels Employed on Investigation of a Non-Isothermal Laminar Flow And Design Requirements for a New Experiment, EPJ Web of Conferences, 5 pages, ISSN: 2100-014X, 2022
  12. V. Barraclough, J. Čížek, M. Strob, J. Novosád, J. Pulec, P. Dančová, Ultrasonic methods for determining flows and velocity fields, EPJ Web of Conferences, EDP Sciences, 8 pages, ISSN: 2100-014X, [Online], 2022
  13. J. Novosád, J. Pulec, P. Dančová, Applicability of the PIV system for velocity field measurement inside the ultrasonic flowmeter, MATEC Web of Conferences, Pilsen, Czech Republic, 8 pages, ISSN: 2261-236X, [Online], 2021
  14. P. Dančová, T. Vít, J. Novosád, J. Pulec, Experimental Fluid Mechanics 2021, [Online], 2021
  15. J. Novosád, J. Pulec, P. Dančová, T. Vít, Trať pro ověření vlastností ultrazvukového průtokoměru, 2021
  16. J. Pulec, J. Novosád, V. Vinš, P. Dančová, Experimental And Numerical Investigation of the Thermal Transition Area At the Heated Bottom-wall of a Horizontal Rectangular Channel, MATEC Web of Conferences, 328, 10 pages, ISSN: 2261-236X, [Online], 2020