doc. Ing. Otakar Ungerman, Ph.D.

doc. Ing. Otakar Ungerman, Ph.D. QR VCARD
LinePositionDepartmentOffice number
+420 48535 2417EmployeeDepartment of Marketing and TradeH 06044


  1. O. Ungerman, J. Dědková, Consumer behavior in the model of the circular economy in the field of handling discarded items, PLoS ONE, San Francisco, Public Library of Science (PLoS), 21 pages, ISSN: 1932-6203, n. 3, [Online], 2025
  2. L. Červová, O. Ungerman, Strategie rozvoje cestovního ruchu v Libereckém kraji - analytická část, Krajský úřad Libereckého kraje, 36 pages, 2024
  3. O. Ungerman, P. Gryszel, J. Dědková, Consumer Perception of the Circular Economy as the Most Visible Environmental Pillar of Corporate Social Responsibility, Journal of Landscape Ecology, Berlín, de Gruyter, p. 76-93, 18 pages, ISSN: 1805-4196, n. 3, [Online], 2023
  4. J. Burešová, O. Ungerman, J. Dědková, J. Jursová, J. Berki, M. Pospíšilová, Online marketingová komunikace cílící na děti školního věku, Brno, Munipress, 1, ISBN: 978-80-280-0302-9, 383 pages, [Online], 2023
  5. J. Dědková, O. Ungerman, Service quality as support for the development of tourism in the Jizera mountains, CURRENT TRENDS IN SPA, HOTEL AND TOURISM “Tourism in times of dynamic changes in the environment”,, Wroclaw, Wroclaw University of Economics and Business, ISBN: 978-83-67899-21-5, p. 22-33, 12 pages, [Online], 2023
  6. J. Dědková, O. Ungerman, Specifics of the communication mix applied on the Czech and German market by the selected company, časopis Trendy v podnikání, Plzeň, ZČU, p. 39-52, 14 pages, ISSN: 2788-0079, n. 2, [Online], 2023
  7. O. Ungerman, J. Burešová, Extending a Brand into Another Segment as a Means of Gaining a Competitive Advantage, Journal of Competitiveness, Zlín, Tomas Bata University in Zlín, p. 137-154, 17 pages, ISSN: 1804-171X, n. 4, [Online], 2022
  8. J. Burešová, O. Ungerman, Generation X and Y and their view on the brand extension into new segments, Ekonomika management inovace, Olomouc, Moravian Business College Olomouc, p. 21-32, 11 pages, ISSN: 1804-1299, n. 1, [Online], 2022
  9. P. Rydvalová, J. Burešová, T. Semerádová, J. Šimanová, O. Ungerman, D. Vrbík, Nezávislá pilotní studie monitorovacích indikátorů kulturních a kreativních odvětví na Liberecku, Magistrát města Liberec, 92 pages, 2022
  10. L. Červová, O. Ungerman, Aktualizace analytické části Strategie rozvoje cestovního ruchu v Libereckém kraji, 34 pages, [Online], 2021
  11. O. Ungerman, J. Dědková, Current Implementation of the Circular Economy in Enterprises in the Czech Republic, Review of Economic Perspectives, WARSAW, Sciendo, p. 189-213, 25 pages, ISSN: 1213-2446, n. 2, [Online], 2021
  12. J. Dědková, O. Ungerman, Environmental Activities of Consumersas Part of a Circular Economy, Opportunities and Threats to Current Business Management in Cross-border Comparison 2021, ISBN: 978-3-86367-02, 14 pages, 2021
  13. L. Červová, O. Ungerman, J. Dědková, Strategie rozvoje Turistického regionu Jizerské hory, 41 pages, [Online], 2021
  14. J. Dědková, O. Ungerman, Analysis of tourism services in the Czech-Polish part of the Euroregion Neisse, Trendy v podnikání, Plzeň, University of West Bohemia, p. 21-30, 10 pages, ISSN: 1805-0603, n. 1, [Online], 2020
  15. L. Červová, J. Dědková, O. Ungerman, Analýza a návrh strategie rozvoje cestovního ruchu v Libereckém kraji - analytická část, 36 pages, 2020
  16. S. Myslivcová, O. Ungerman, J. Dědková, The current perception of personnel marketing, Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration, Pardubice, University of Pardubice, p. 161-173, 13 pages, ISSN: 1211-555X, n. 45, [Online], 2020
  17. J. Dědková, O. Ungerman, Film-Induced Tourism as a Support of a Tourist Region’s Competitive Ability, Conference Proceedings from International Scientific Conference “The Poprad Economic and Management Forum 2019: Current trends and challenges in businesses management”, 17th–18thOctober 2019, Poprad, Slovak Republic, Ružomberok, VERBUM,Catholic University in Ružomberok, ISBN: 978-80-561-0671-6, p. 393-404, 12 pages, [Online], 2019
  18. O. Ungerman, J. Dědková, Marketing Innovations in Industry 4.0 and Their Impacts on Current Enterprises, Applied Sciences, Basel Switzerland, MDPI AG, 1, 21 pages, ISSN: 2076-3417, n. 18, [Online], 2019
  19. O. Ungerman, J. Dědková, Model of the circular economy and its application in business practice, Environment, Development and Sustainability, Netherlands, Springer Science and Business Media LLC, 1, p. 3407-3432, 26 pages, ISSN: 1573-2975, n. 4, [Online], 2019
  20. S. Myslivcová, J. Dědková, O. Ungerman, The Current Perception of Personnel Marketing, Scientific Papers of the University of Pardubice, Series D: Faculty of Economics and Administration, Pardubice, University of Pardubice, 1, p. 161-173, 13 pages, ISSN: 1211-555X, n. 45, [Online], 2019
  21. O. Ungerman, J. Dědková, Consumer perception of the impact of innovative marketing resulting from implementation of Industry 4.0, International Scientific Conference of Business Economics Management and Marketing – ISCOBEMM 2018, Česká republika, MASARYKOVA UNIV, ZEROTINOVO NAM 617-9, BRNO 601 77, CZECH REPUBLIC, ISBN: 978-80-210-9164-1, p. 225-231, 7 pages, [Online], 2018
  22. O. Ungerman, S. Myslivcová, Current Use of Personnel Marketing in Czech Companies, Ad Alta: Journal of Interdisciplinary Research, HRADEC KRÁLOVE, MAGNANIMITAS, 1, p. 232-239, 8 pages, ISSN: 1804-7890, n. 1, [Online], 2018
  23. O. Ungerman, J. Dědková, Innovation in Marketing and How it is Perceived by Customers, 31st IBIMA Conference, Italy, 1, ISBN: 978-0-9998551-0-2, p. 2473-2480, 8 pages, [Online], 2018
  24. O. Ungerman, J. Dědková, K. Gurinová, The Impact of Marketing Innovation on the Competitiveness of Enterprises in the Context of Industry 4.0, Journal of Competitiveness, Zlín, Tomas Bata University in Zlin, 1, p. 132-148, 17 pages, ISSN: 1804-171X, n. 2, [Online], 2018
  25. O. Ungerman, J. Dědková, Innovative Marketing in the Context of Industrie 4.0, Liberec Economic Forum 2017, Liberec, Technical University of Liberec, ISBN: 978-80-7494-349-2, p. 162-170, 9 pages, 2017
  26. O. Ungerman, Possibilities for the use of marketing communication by German companies in the field of wine tourism, opportunities and treats to current business management in cross-border comparison 2017, Chemitz, GUC - Verlag der Gesellschaft für Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling, ISBN: 978-3-86367-051-1, p. 173-181, 9 pages, 2017
  27. J. Dědková, O. Ungerman, Tourism in the Czech-Polish Border Area of Euroregion Nisa, The Poprad Economic and Management Forum 2017, 1, ISBN: 978-80-561-0519-1, p. 230-241, 12 pages, 2017
  28. O. Ungerman, S. Myslivcová, Options of evaluation of identification questions in marketing research, International Conference on Advances in Information Processing and Communication Technology - IPCT 2016, Roma, Institute of Research Engineers and Doctors, ISBN: 978-1-63248-099-6, p. 71-75, 5 pages, [Online], 2016
  29. S. Myslivcová, O. Ungerman, Personnel Marketing in the Czech Economy: Past And Present, ACC Journal, Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2, p. 28-44, 17 pages, ISSN: 1803-9782, n. 2, 2016
  30. O. Ungerman, Strategic decision-making in the field of Corporate identity, Ekonomika management inovace, Olomouc, Moravská vysoká škola Olomouc,, 1, p. 32-45, 14 pages, ISSN: 1804-1299, n. 3, [Online], 2016
  31. O. Ungerman, Use of Social Networks in Personnel Marketing, International Scientific Conference of Business Economics, Marketing and Management (ISCOBEMM 2016), Brno, Masaryk University, 1, ISBN: 978-80-210-8348-6, p. 73-82, 10 pages, [Online], 2016
  32. O. Ungerman, Ways of Using Social Networks for Hr Purposes, Hradec Economic Days, Hradec Králové, University of Hradec Králové, 1, ISBN: 978-80-7435-636-0, p. 1141-1148, 8 pages, ISSN: 2464-6059, [Online], 2016
  33. O. Ungerman, Aspekty marketingové komunikace při světové sportovní akci na území české republiky, Hradecké ekonomické dny 2015, Hradec Králové, Gaudeamus, 1, ISBN: 978-80-7435-548-6, p. 265-273, 8 pages, 2015
  34. O. Ungerman, Corporate Risks Related to Involvement in International Trade, Opportunities and threats to current business management in cross-border comparison 2015, Chemnitz, GUC - Verlag der Gesellschaft für Unternehmensrechnung und Controlling, 1, ISBN: 978-3-86367-038-2, p. 127-138, 10 pages, 2015
  35. O. Ungerman, Social Media As a Marketing Communication Tool Used by Family Firms, Acta Academica Karviniensia, 1, p. 148-162, 15 pages, ISSN: 1212-415X, n. 2, 2015
  36. O. Ungerman, Use of social networks in personnel marketing, Liberec Economic Forum 2015, Liberec, Technical University of Liberec, 1, ISBN: 978-80-7494-225-9, p. 409-421, 13 pages, 2015
  37. O. Ungerman, I. Honzáková, Cultural Tourism and Its Impact on the Economy, Applied Social Science, Newark, Informacion Engineering Research Institute, 1, ISBN: 978-1-61275-066-8, p. 105-113, 9 pages, ISSN: 2160-1070, 2014
  38. O. Ungerman, I. Honzáková, Economic Impact of Marketing Event Hosting on Gross Value Added, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance ICMLG 2014, Wellesley, Massachusetts, USA, Academic Conferences and Publishing International Limited, 1, ISBN: 978-1-909507-98-2, p. 360;369, ISSN: 2049-6818, 2014
  39. O. Ungerman, I. Honzáková, Identification of Opportunities to Improve Cooperation between Companies in Nisa Euroregion, Opportunities and Threats to Current Business Management in Cross-border Comparison 2014, Chemnitz, Verlag der GUC, 1, ISBN: 978-3-86367-029-0, p. 63-74, 12 pages, 2014
  40. O. Ungerman, S. Myslivcová, Model of Communication Usable for Small and Medium-sized Companies for the Consumer Communication in Social Media, E+M Ekonomie a Management, Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci, 1, p. 167-184, 18 pages, ISSN: 1212-3609, n. 1, 2014
  41. O. Ungerman, I. Honzáková, The Effect of the Direct Economic Impact on Employees´ Compensation Which Arise in Organising of the Event, SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on SOCIAL SCIENCES and ARTS, Sofia, SGEM, 1, ISBN: 978-619-7105-27-8, p. 589-596, 8 pages, ISSN: 2367-5659, 2014
  42. O. Ungerman, Využití sociálních médií malými a středními podniky v komunikaci se spotřebitelem, Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci, 1, ISBN: 978-80-7494-157-3, 2014
  43. O. Ungerman, S. Myslivcová, Identification of Factors Which Influence Satisfaction with Corporate Communication Delivered through Social Media, International Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance, Bangkok, Bangkok University, 1, ISBN: 978-1-909507-00-5, p. 400;407, ISSN: 2049-6818, 2013
  44. I. Honzáková, S. Myslivcová, O. Ungerman, Market Analysis for Language Services in the Czech Republic, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference Liberec Economic Forum 2013, Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci, 1, ISBN: 978-80-7372-953-0, p. 212;221, 2013
  45. I. Honzáková, J. Marková, S. Myslivcová, O. Ungerman, Využitelnost uchovaných dat v CRM systému na průmyslových trzích v Libereckém kraji, 2013
  46. O. Ungerman, S. Myslivcová, Identification of variables that influence satisfaction with communication of companies via social media, ACC Journal, Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci, 1, p. 196;202, ISSN: 1803-9782, n. 2, 2012
  47. O. Ungerman, Identifikace nástrojů firemní komunikace využitelné pro sociální média, 2012
  48. O. Ungerman, Spokojenost spotřebitelů se současnou komunikací na sociálních médiích, 2012
  49. I. Honzáková, S. Myslivcová, O. Ungerman, Trendy marketingové komunikace uskutečňované prostřednictvím facebooku, 2012
  50. O. Ungerman, Analysis of social media marketing communication, 2011
  51. O. Ungerman, Výběr zaměstnanců v prostředí malých firem, 2010
  52. O. Ungerman, Závislost prodeje osobních automobilů na změně ceny v období ekonomické recese, 2009