doc. Ing. Klára Antlová, Ph.D.

doc. Ing. Klára Antlová, Ph.D. QR VCARD
LinePositionDepartmentOffice number
+420 48535 2390EmployeeDepartment of InformaticsH 08020


  1. P. Rydvalová, K. Antlová, M. Lamr, GUESSS National report 2023 – Student Entrepreneurship in the Czech Republic Liberec, GUESSS Organizers, 25 pages, [Online], 2024
  2. K. Antlová, O. Revutska, APPLICATION OF AGILE MANAGEMENT APPROACHES IN SELECTED AUTOMOTIVE COMPANIES IN LIBEREC AND CENTRAL BOHEMIAN REGIONS, E M Ekonomie a Management, Liberec, Technical University of Liberec, p. 174-189, 16 pages, ISSN: 1212-3609, n. 3, [Online], 2022
  3. K. Antlová, P. Rydvalová, M. Zelenka, EVALUATION OF BUSINESS MATURITY CONCERNING ROBOTIC PROCESS AUTOMATION, Digitalisation of Society, Business and Management in a Pandemic, Linz, Trauner Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-99113-758-0, p. 51-58, 7 pages, 2022
  4. K. Antlová, P. Rydvalová, M. Lamr, Prediction model of students entrepreneurial spirit, IDIMT-2021 Pandemics: Impacts, Strategies and Responses, Linz, Trauner Verlag, 1, ISBN: 978-3-99113-261-5, p. 111-118, 8 pages, [Online], 2021
  5. K. Antlová, A. Balloni, Information And Communication Technology in the Czech Hospitals, Why GESITI? An Evaluation of the Management Information System and Technology in Hospitals, Knowledge Empowerment Foundation, 1, ISBN: 978-81-942015-0-2, 20 pages, [Online], 2020
  6. K. Antlová, P. Rydvalová, M. Lamr, THE ROLE OF THE YOUNG GENERATION IN FAMILY BUSINESSES, Digitalized Economy, Society and Information Management, Linz, Trauner Verlag, 1, ISBN: 978-3-99062-958-1, p. 133-140, 8 pages, 2020
  7. K. Antlová, P. Rydvalová, M. Lamr, THE ROLE OF THE YOUNG GENERATION IN FAMILY BUSINESSES, Digitaliyed Economz, Societz and Information Management, Linz, Trauner Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-99062-958-1, p. 133-149, 17 pages, 2020
  8. K. Antlová, P. Rydvalová, Vitality And Continuity of Family Businesses, Journal of Business Economics and Management, Vilnius, Vilnius Gediminas Technical University, p. 1432-1450, 19 pages, ISSN: 1611-1699, n. 5, [Online], 2020
  9. K. Antlová, P. Rydvalová, M. Lamr, Student Entrepreneurship in the Czech Republic – GUESSS National reports 2018., Liberec, Technical university of Liberec, 1, ISBN: 978-80-7494-501-4, 65 pages, 2019
  10. K. Antlová, P. Rydvalová, M. Lamr, Universities Support of Students Entrepreneurial Activities, IDIMT 2019: Innovation and Transformation in a Digital World - 27th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, Linz, Trauner, 1, ISBN: 978-3-99062-590-3, p. 169-176, 8 pages, 2019
  11. K. Antlová, P. Rydvalová, University's Support for Innovation And Entrepreneurial Student's Activities, IDIMT 2018: Strategic Modeling in Management, Economy and Society - 26th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, Linz, Trauner Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-99062-339-8, p. 97-104, 8 pages, 2018
  12. K. Antlová, P. Rydvalová, L. Popelínský, Knowledge-based System for Assessing Vitality of Family Businesses in the Czech Republic, Liberec Economic Forum 2017, 1, ISBN: 978-80-7494-349-2, p. 181-187, 7 pages, [Online], 2017
  13. K. Antlová, P. Rydvalová, M. Lamr, Motivation in the Students` Start-ups, IDIMT 2017: Digitalization in Management, Society and Economy - 25th Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks, 1, ISBN: 978-3-99062-119-6, p. 79-84, 6 pages, [Online], 2017
  14. P. Rydvalová, I. Jáč, E. Karhanová Horynová, E. Štichhauerová, M. Hlínová, K. Antlová, N. Petrů, J. Vacek, Typologie a hodnocení vitality rodinného podnikání, Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci, ISBN: 978-80-7494-352-2, 73 pages, [Online], 2017
  15. P. Rydvalová, T. Semerádová, K. Antlová, J. Michálik, L. Popelínský, Typologie a vitalita rodinného podnikání (Znalostní portál), [Online], 2017
  16. K. Antlová, P. Rydvalová, M. Lamr, Vztah studentů k podnikání, Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci, 1, ISBN: 9788074943799, 88 pages, [Online], 2017
  17. A. Podaras, K. Antlová, J. Motejlek, Information management tools for implementing an effective enterprise business continuity strategy, E+M Ekonomie a Management, Liberec, Czech Republic, Technical University of Liberec, p. 165-182, 18 pages, ISSN: 1212-3609, n. 1, [Online], 2016
  18. K. Antlová, P. Rydvalová, New Trends in E-Business Models, IDIMT-2016 Information Technology, Society and Economy Strategic Cross-Influences, Linz, Trauner Verlag, ISBN: 978-3-99033-869-8, p. 243-250, 8 pages, [Online], 2016
  19. K. Antlová, P. Rydvalová, Report for the Czech Republic (2016) Student Entrepreneurship in the Czech Republic Faculty of Economics Technical University of Liberec Czech Republic, University St. Gallen, 30 pages, [Online], 2016
  20. L. Popelínský, K. Antlová, P. Rydvalová, J. Michálik, Strojové učení pro analýzu rodinného podnikání, WIKT and DaZ, Bratislava, Slovakia, STU, ISBN: 978-80-227-4619-9, p. 81-85, 5 pages, 2016
  21. K. Antlová, Agility Approach in Innovation Projects, Liberec Economic Forum 2015, Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci, 1, ISBN: 978-80-7494-225-9, p. 236-243, 8 pages, [Online], 2015
  22. J. Skrbek, K. Antlová, Soft Skills Development During Long Term Supervised Placement, Information Technology and Society Interactiona and Interdependence, Linz, Trauner Verlag, 1, ISBN: 978-3-99033-395-2, p. 171-177, 7 pages, 2015
  23. K. Antlová, Agile Approach in the Project Management of the Czech Companies, Book of industry papers, ProjMAN 2014, 1, ISBN: 978-989-97433-4-2, p. 112;117, 2014
  24. P. Rozmajzl, J. Mrázek, T. Langer, K. Antlová, Business Strategy in Economic Crisis, IDIMT-2014 22nd Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks,, Linz, Trauner Verlag, 1, ISBN: 978-3-99033-340-2, p. 339-344, 6 pages, 2014
  25. T. Semerádová, I. Hovorková, K. Antlová, Critical Success Factors of the Recovery System At the Municipal Level Od Disaster Management, IDIMT-2014 22nd Interdisciplinary Information Management Talks,, Linz, Trauner Verlag, 1, ISBN: 978-3-99033-340-2, p. 29-36, 8 pages, 2014
  26. K. Antlová, Main Factors for ICT Adoption in the Czech SMES, Information systems for Small and medium-Sized enterprises, Berlin, Springer - Verlag, 1, ISBN: 978-3-642-38243-7, p. 141-156, 16 pages, 2014
  27. K. Antlová, R. Pal, A. Aneja, J. Militký, Open Innovation Business Models in Ambidextrous Clusters: A Multiple Case Analysis, 2014
  28. K. Antlová, A. Balloni, An Evaluation of the Information Systems Management and Technologies in Hospitals: The Region of the Technical University of Liberec, Czech Republic, 2013
  29. K. Antlová, Barriers for Successful ICT Deployment in Czech Hospitals, Liberec Economic Forum 2013, Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci, 1, ISBN: 978-80-7372-953-0, p. 9-17, 9 pages, 2013
  30. K. Antlová, A. Balloni, Exploring Information and Communication Management in Czech Hospitals, Confenis - 2013, Linz, Trauner Verlag, 1, ISBN: 978-3-99033-081-4, p. 345-352, 8 pages, 2013
  31. K. Antlová, A. Balloni, Information Systems Management and Technologies in Czech Hospitals, 10th International Conference on Information Systems and Technology Management – CONTECSI, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 1, ISBN: 9783854997603, p. 739;761, 2013
  32. J. Skrbek, K. Antlová, T. Langer, Agile Approach to Solving Unusual Situations, ACC Journal, Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci, 1, p. 5;12, ISSN: 1803-9782, n. 3, 2012
  33. J. Skrbek, J. Kvíz, T. Žižka, D. Kubát, K. Antlová, Ambient Traffic Services Based on the use of Agile Warning and Notification System Radio-Help, AMBIENT 2012 - The Second International Conference on Ambient Computing, Applications, Services and Technologies, Barcelona, International Academy, Research, and Industry Association, 1, ISBN: 9781612082356, p. 7;11, 2012
  34. K. Antlová, L. Popelínský, A. Herich, Text mining in reports from students stays in the Czech enterprises, Innovation and Sustainable Economic Competitive Advantage, Istanbul, Khalid S. Soliman, International Business Information Management Association, 1, ISBN: 978-0-9821489-7-6, p. 1342;1346, 2012
  35. K. Antlová, E. Puhalová, Trénování výkonných funkcí mozku pomocí jednoduchých počítačových her, 2012
  36. K. Antlová, L. Popelínský, J. Tandler, Long Term Growth of SME from the view of ICT Competencies and Web Presentations, E+M Ekonomie a Management, Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci, 1, p. 125;138, ISSN: 1212-3609, n. 4, 2011
  37. M. Tvrzník, K. Antlová, Process analysis in Czech Hospitals, 2011
  38. K. Antlová, M. Tvrzník, Process Simulation in Emergency Situations in the Czech Republic, IDIMT 2011 – Interdisciplinarity in Complex Systems, Linz, Trauner Verlag, 1, ISBN: 978-3-85499-873-0, p. 103;110, 2011
  39. K. Antlová, M. Tvrzník, Computer-Support of Cooperative Work in Hospitals, IDIMT 2010 Information Technology - Human Values, Innovation and Economy, Linz, Trauner Verlag, 1, ISBN: 9783854997603, p. 353-362, 10 pages, 2010
  40. K. Antlová, Critical Success Factors for the Implementation of ICT Projects, Enterprise Information Systems, Berlin, Springer-Verlag, 1, ISBN: 9783642164019, p. 151;157, ISSN: 1865-0929, 2010
  41. K. Antlová, Inovativní přístupy služeb - Service Oriented Management, Liberec, Technická univerzita v Liberci , 1, ISBN: 9788073726546, 2010
  43. K. Antlová, Preparedness of Information and Communication Technology as a Strategic Tool in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises, 2009
  44. K. Antlová, Přístup malých a středních podniků ke strategickému využívání informačních a komunikačních technologií, 2009
  45. L. Popelínský, K. Antlová, T. Gregorovič, J. Tandler, Web and ICT Competencies in Diffrerent Types of Smes, 2009
  46. K. Antlová, L. Popelínský, T. Gregorovič, J. Tandler, Web Competencies in Sme, 2009