Department of Machinery Construction


Section Manager

+420 48535 3833doc. Dr. Ing. Ivan MašínDepartment of Machinery Construction


+420 48535 3969 Nesrine AmorDepartment of Machinery Construction
+420 48535 3819Ing. Pavel JanduraDepartment of Machinery Construction
+420 48535 3829Ing. Martin Mazač, Ph.D.Department of Machinery Construction
+420 48535 3969 Muhammad Tayyab Noman, Ph.D.Department of Machinery Construction
+420 48535 3829Ing. Martina Ryvolová, Ph.D.Department of Machinery Construction
+420 48535 3819Ing. Pavel Srb, Ph.D.Department of Machinery Construction
+420 48535 3295Ing. Josef Vosáhlo, Ph.D.Department of Machinery Construction


+420 48535 3968 Zasedací místnost Oddělení konstrukce strojů Department of Machinery Construction